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about EPARC

Elegant Power Application Research Center        eparc

Vision and Mission 

The Elegant Power Application Research Center (EPARC) is a well-organized research center of National Chung Cheng University in Chia-Yi, Taiwan. “Learning and following nature” will be the main vision and goal of the EPARC. In addition, maintaining green planet and environmental reservation will be another important guideline for EPARC’s research. Developing green energy technologies is the main mission of EPARC to ensure the sustainable development of clean energy.



The director of the center is Prof. Yu. The research personnel include Dr. Zhang, Dr. Wu and relevant professors and researchers inside and outside the school. Besides, it also includes a full-time research assistant and dozens of part-time master's degree assistants.


Key Research Streams 

The purpose of the establishment of the center is to establish a system-based design platform for power processing-related hardware and firmware, and to train senior talents who meet the needs of the industry, government, and research communities. The research topics mainly include development of converter topologies with the applications, such as power quality improvement (eg. power factor corrector and active power filter), PV power generator (eg. MPPT, bi-directional power regulator, dc-distribution system and grid-tied inverter), motor drive (eg. hybrid scooter, electric scooter, exercise bike and belt sander), battery management system (eg. for lead-acid, NiMH and Li-ion batteries), and LED applications (eg. dimming control IC, lighting in fiber optics).


Future Development 

In the future, research of the EPARC will focus on the “Multi-function, High-efficiency, Long-life, Low-noise, Low-parts” elegant power application system, and emphasize the “Health, Prevention, Diagnosis, and Remediation” design concept to improve system availability and reliability. Developing a smart green energy system will be the ultimate goal.


Contact Information

TEL: +886-5-2720411#23291
FAX: 05-2720862
Email: ccueparc@ccu.edu.tw
Address: No.168, Sec. 1, University Rd., Min-Hsiung Township, Chia-Yi County 621301, Taiwan (R.O.C.)